Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rain, Lots of Rain!

We are in our third day of continuous rain. On the way home the other day the rain was coming down so hard cars were pulled over to the side of the interstate. Since I couldn't see to drive I thought that was a good idea so I joined them :)

Since I wasn't home to water the flower garden, as my neighbor (bless her heart) instructed, nature took over for me :) Hey, I need all the help I can get!

It's cool outside, in the 60's, and raining. My laundry fairy is on strike so I shall take it upon myself to trudge down to the basement and do laundry. Ug!

Have a great day, my friends!


Looney Mom™ said...

I love rain but only when it doesn't cause a lot of destruction and danger. I hope it lets up soon, though like you said it saves you from having to water. ;)

Thanks for visiting even when I don't reciprocate. Your encouragement is much appreciated!

Joy Des Jardins said...

We've been having similar weather here too Darlene....cooler weather and some rain; but not as much as you. I hope we don't either since I've developed a couple of leaks in the roof over my office again.