Friday, October 24, 2008


That's me, all right! I'm in a funk.....I can't get motivated.....I've had nothing of interest to say.

We've been busy this past month helping Tricia. I called it "downsizing" cause I still have a little trouble getting my words straight. So I laugh at myself a lot. We are "simplifying".

We, meaning my girls and I, have decided we would help one another simplify our lives. You know, getting rid of all that "stuff" we don't need, that "stuff" that's taking up too much room, time and effort.

We started at Tricia's and what fun we had. Why is it so much fun to go through someone else's "stuff"?

It's my turn next. N.E.X.T. Now just what does that actually mean? It certainly doesn't mean this year LOL. Not with birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's getting in our way, let alone the weather.

By the way, if you are interested, Angel Food Ministries has posted their November Menu. It's much to long to post here as they have added Senior and Thanksgiving menus to the main menu. So many choices in addition to their specials.

Hop on over and check them out. With the rising cost of food this may be a helpful alternative.

God bless, my friends!

Please take a few seconds and help feed these animals. It's totally FREE. The news has been reporting that the economy is so bad that people are having to give up their pets. They simply have no money to feed them. Perhaps you can find it in your heart to help out in this way.



Nancie said...

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements. Take care and have a very blessed weekend and Lord's day :)

Leeland said...

Hi Darlene,
I wanted to thank you for your comment about Sirius. you're right: knowing is better. This is undeniable.
I have read your latest posts and felt comforted throughout the reading. There's so much love in you.
Your brother's email that says that God opens your hands for something better is a little bit of hope.
I'm not a believer anymore, but when I read something like that, there's a little bit of faith very deep inside that shivers.
Thank you,

Kay-The Rustic Cottage said...

I must have passed my "Fall Funk" your way. I had several days where I didn't know what to say on my blog. I think the economy has got us all a little down. But God is in control!!! Hope you're feeling more cheerful real soon.

Love from WA,

Kay-The Rustic Cottage said...

You've been BOO-ed!! Pick up your treat and leave a comment on my blog!


Nancie said...

How are you, Darlene? I am thinking of you and praying for you. May God grant you a very blessed week. Take care!