Friday, July 31, 2009

Lovin the weather!

It was so nice out yesterday that I opened all the windows and with the slight breeze coming in I had to put on sweats! Loved it!

Last night everything was quiet, except for the loud chirping, and I thought I was back on the farm :) No city noise whatsoever and city folks know how unusual that is.

It will be about 15 degrees warmer today but until then....the windows are open, slight breeze flowing in, a hound dog is braying (don't you just love their special bark) and the crickets are cricketing, and the birds are talking up a storm!

It's just soooooooooo beautiful today!


1 comment:

Mema said...

Wonderful. I have not been out much, working on a bathroom. New potty, getting ready to seal it and around the tub. Sure does look nice. Thank you Michael for installing it.

Have a great day, enjoy!!!