Sunday, February 6, 2011

Free Books

I love to read and I love FREE!! Put read and free together and what do you get?

Google Books!!

Classic, Cooking, Trending Topics, Magazines.....the list is long and has something for everyone.

Best of all, they're FREE!

Warning........enter at your own risk!!

1 comment:

Nancie said...

Hi Darlene,

Thanks for sharing the great link! I love to read too and I sure love Free too :)

How are you? I have been missing you.

Hey, guess what? Recently, my blog on bipolar disorder : has been featured in a local newspaper in Singapore! And some readers have written to let me know that they appreciate my sharing and the resources on my blog.

I thank God that I can testified of His goodness and mercies to me through this blog. He is the One Who sustains me daily and enable me to cope and live a useful life for Him. Thank God that He is with us through all the changing scenes in life and He is working all things for His glory and our good. He promised that His grace is sufficient for us. He is my greatest comfort, peace and strength daily.

Take care and have a blessed week! Keeping you in prayers.

Warm regards,