Sunday, November 4, 2007

November 3

Day by Day, A Daily Praise Offering on the book of Psalms by Gwen R. Shaw. I started reading this book last year. It's been a great help to me thru this difficult time. I even started journaling which is something I have never been able to do. Journaling was very therapeutic thru the different stages of mourning. (Thank you, Gwen and God bless).

November 3rd devotional is Psalm 119:153-160.

"My child, as long as you are honest with yourself and openly confess your needs to Me, I am ready to plead your cause. I am the great Advocate. I am full of love and compassion for you. I understand your circumstances and why you have done the things you have done. I understand your weaknesses; but you must see your need to honestly confide in Me. Trust in Me to understand. I am not a critic, nor am I cruel. My judgements are righteous judgements. I will deal with the evil spirits and send them to Hell for tormenting and provoking you. But, first, you must be honest enough to share with Me the agony of your ordeal.

Behold, I long to do something new and wonderful in your life. There are things that hold you back, fears and doubts that hinder you. But I want you to step out boldly. Fear nothing! Do not fear what your friends will think, nor what your enemies will say or do. Don't be intimidated by the mistakes you made yesterday. My hand is still upon you. I have predestined you to be a special vessel unto Me. I love you and want to use you. I will plead your cause before your adversaries. They cannot harm you. I will deal with their lies and half-truths.

When I plead your cause I will also grab hold of every arrow Satan shoots at you. I send My word of encouragement to you; now let it quicken you. Let it revive your spirit, and put new courage in your heart and fire in your bones so that you can do all My will.

You don't need to try to defend yourself. I will defend you. I will plead your cause. I will take over your case. Rejoice, relax and rest your case in My hands, and you shall live in the power of My resurrection life, and do greater deeds than you have ever done before, because the "day of the Lord" has come and you have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this."

God bless.