Saturday, December 22, 2007


The weatherman was way off today. The rain, then sleet, then blowing snow was suppose to start in the afternoon……..wrong!

At 8:30 I woke up to misting. That‘s ok…nothing bad about that. It‘s 10:30 and the sleet is pouring down, I mean really pouring down. The wind is starting to pick up.
When the snow does start its going to be zero disability. There are weather warnings going out everywhere.

The only plus to this is it’s Saturday, not a work day. The salt trucks are already out doing their job so by tomorrow, when everything calms down, we’ll be able to get out and about…or so they say. It’s going to get interesting.

Yesterday the ice and snow from the previous storm was gone so I was able to get the limbs (PG13:) out of the front yard. They were frozen to the ground earlier so I just waited for the thaw. My back yard is still full of large limbs (PG13:) from my neighbor’s trees. I am hoping he’ll pick them all up, he won’t but I can hope anyway.

I’m off to call Jackie and see if she made it to the store and back safely.

Have a safe and blessed day.


Mema said...

Well I feel for you guys and all of that cold weather. Not every one can live in the south. :)

The sun is shinning, the temp is about 50 degrees I think.

I am fixing to go get my granddaughter to perm my hair. It is a mess. Missy is going to get her hair trimmed.

Then when we get home I am making Taco Soup for anyone that comes in.

Missy and family surprised me last night and came in then instead of today. What a surprise, a great one.

Have a Blessed Day.

Mema said...

Oh well, I just checked the weather and it is 64 degrees. :)