Monday, May 5, 2008

Getting to the wedding on time

This is my personal little journal for Saturday's wedding.

Tricia and Jackie are at the bride's house. Tricia doing the bride's hair, the flower girls' hair and whoever else dropped in. Jackie helping out in all the other things that needed to be done.

Nikki's busy doing Breanna's hair when I arrive at Jackie's and soon everyone is in overdrive.

Tricia and Jackie arrive at 3:20 p.m. The wedding is at 4:00 p.m. Now it's mega speed .

At 3:40 Aaron takes a deep slice on his thumb and finger. Good thing his shirt is red!

As you can see it doesn't phase him a bit.....can't say the same for myself!

Everyone is ready so we rush out the door and as Jackie is putting Halle in her vehicle she realizes someone left their car parked behind her and took the keys with them. (You had to be there to appreicate that sentence, lol.) While she gets Halle into my vehicle I get a quick picture of Mariah and Braden. You can tell they are not at all phased by the fact we have 15 minutes before wedding time.

We made it! Don't know how, but we did!!! I caught McKenzie as she was looking behind her....gotta see what's going on. What a little beauty!

And here comes the bride!!!!

The wedding was perfect. The vows taken. Their personal vows to one another taken. Now it's time to party!

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goodrich


Nancie said...

Wow, the bride is beautiful! Thanks for sharing these photos. Glad you make it for the wedding :)

Denise said...

Congratulation from Texas Yall!!! Best wishes from all of us.

Mema said...

Wow!! I would have crumbled in a heap. And they could have gone on with out me. :)